Ten Months Together to dive into creating a path to better health and more happiness. This program has the power to change everything.

get it together

get it together

I know, I know… you already know what you need to do so what’s the point of hiring someone to help you “know what to do?” I hear this all the time and I totally understand but here’s the thing, you KNOW what to do so why aren’t you doing it? I can tell you why. Because I’ve been in this same position more times than I can count! You’re not doing it yet because making that move is HARD TO DO!

I felt this way when I wanted to lose weight and get healthy three years ago.

I knew I couldn’t keep doing the same things and expecting new results so I hired a coach to help me.

This gave me the accountability, structure, guidance, and tools I needed to begin and to stay in the game until I saw results… and boy did I see results!

Fast forward two years and I lost over 130 pounds which have stayed off for over a year! I walk 5 miles a day and am in the best shape mentally and physically that I’ve been in my whole life.

If you had asked me a few years ago what my plan was to get healthy I would have told you, “Eat less, eat better, and move your body!” I knew what to do. The “knowing” was not the problem.

My problem was taking the action.

It’s like we often say in yoga, “the hardest part is getting to your mat”. In other words, any pose seems simple in comparison to getting in your car, driving to the studio, and rolling out your mat to begin. The mental drama between your home and class feels like climbing Everest.

Together we are going to get it together in 2024! I’m going to be the guide, mentor, accountability partner, and friend you need to achieve things you know you can achieve but haven’t yet.

What’s possible this year if you say yes to your heart’s desire?

Let’s grow together

Get It Together is a small group, 10-month program of curated content for those who strive to live a healthier and happier life.

  • $900 paid in full or $108 per month for 10 months.

  • Meets the first Sunday of the month, 3:00-4:15pm ET (New York). Click here for your time zone.

  • Begins March 3rd!

  • Full access to a membership site filled with audio and video recordings to support your progress.

  • HALF OFF my 1:1 programs when purchased while enrolled in Get It Together.

  • Meeting topics will include: boundaries, discipline, self-care, motivation, self-acceptance, and so much more.

Q & A

  • The program begins on March 3rd and lasts for 10 months. There are 10 classes total, one a month on the first Sunday of the month.

  • Enrollment is limited to 10 participants for this cohort to maintain the intimate nature of this online container.

  • Portal access begins as soon as you purchase the program and extends through the end of 2024.

  • The monthly option allows for budgeting throughout the year but the full payment saves you $180 overall. I encourage you to choose the option that suits your needs.